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T-ICU provides remote intensive care solutions by specialists.

≪Remote consultation system, “Relieve”≫
“Relieve” is a support system for the treatment of critically ill patients, which enables “all hospitals to have an intensive care physician.” A medical team consisting of intensive care physicians and certified nurses for intensive care provides 24/7 support to the on-site treatment of critically ill patients, filling the lack of specialists nationwide. The treatment of critically ill patients, which is often a matter of life and death, imposes a heavy physical and mental burden on physicians and nurses engaged in such treatment. “Relieve” helps to alleviate such concerns of the medical staff and support them with the latest knowledge and abundant experience. In terms of the technical aspects, advanced communication equipment enables the sharing of a range of biological information and test results which provides more practical treatment support that goes beyond conventional telephone consultation.

≪Remote monitoring system, “Close-by” ≫
Utilizing high-performance camera and advanced communication equipment, “Close-by” realizes clear communication with the staff at the bedside through the detailed observation of medical conditions with the concept of supporting patients and medical professionals from a distance. Also with this system, it is possible to monitor multiple patients at the same time on one screen. Confidentiality is kept as the system uses an independent network, and does not interfere with existing systems. Very effective means for the treatment of COVID-19 patients in isolation.


Tomoyuki Nakanishi CEO & Founder, Certified Intensivist



“RELIEVE” - A Remote Consultation System for intensivists and certified intensive care nurses, available 24/7 hours support for acute care.“CLOSE-BY” - Remote Monitoring System to attend to patients and medical personnel from a distance.

Achievement in alliance

Partnership: With the cooperation of Japan's JICA, we will now provide our remote ICU to 16 countries around the world, and we are looking for partners in each country for further development.


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